Girl Power started the formation of its football team in the summer of 2013. It is all started with a group of refugee & Immigrant women from Afghanistan & Turkey, who were passionate about playing football and being active.
The first event that the team played football was in Roskilde Music Festival, one of the biggest music festivals in Europe.
Besides music, there is a lot of other social activities which take place in the festival venue, and one of those events is a football tournament, and the Girl Power team managed to play on that festival two years in a row. hummel supported the team to participate in the festival.
Khalida Popal, the founder of the organisation started coaching and other sports activities for Women & Girls in Sandholm refugee center, the center where Khalida lived there on her arrival time in Denmark back in 2012.
2016, The organisation officially registered in Denmark to use sport & education as a tool to empower women & girls.